Wednesday, May 2, 2018

April Books and Feeling Overwhelmed

This will be a short post.  I only finished four books in April.  I finished another today and can finish one more tomorrow, if I get the time.  But those two are May books.

We're still getting settled in our new house.  We just painted the bedroom closet.  There's a huge walk-in closet upstairs.  I love it and really hate moving my clothes downstairs.  But I get it.  I'll leave the winter clothes and seldom worn shoes in the walk-in and bring lighter clothes and shoes I wear all the time downstairs.

I unwrapped all the artwork yesterday.  There are originals by local artists, there are prints of  paintings I can't afford, and there are original prints, if that makes sense.  I hang the prints in my bathroom and plan to hang the originals in the living room and dining room.  I had been thinking that we had less wall space in this house because it has more windows.  But it also has more rooms, so there is more wall space.  Now it's just deciding which pictures to hang where.

We've been spending a lot of time watching birds at the feeders.  After living in Philly for twelve years and seeing almost exclusively pigeons, English sparrows, starlings, the occasional hawk and cardinal, we're overwhelmed (not what I meant in the title of this post) by birds we haven't seen since Marshfield and a couple of new birds.  We have goldfinches, chipping sparrows, white-throated sparrows, probably more sparrows that I haven't identified yet, blue jays, cardinals, Carolina wrens, cowbirds, catbirds, turkey vultures, and more.  The more unusual birds we've seen are the brown thrasher we saw this morning, the two pairs of rose-breasted grosbeaks, which we've never seen before, and the indigo bunting, which I've only seen once before.  A hummingbird has been checking out the hummingbird feeder but hasn't stopped to drink.  It's like an avian Cirque du Soleil!

So, here's the list of April books:

The Wench is Dead  -  Colin Dexter

Die Trying  -  Lee Child

Free Air  -  Sinclair Lewis

A Darker Domain  -  Val McDermid

I have to say that none of them were really terrific.  Or maybe it's just the mood I've been in.  I keep feeling that when I'm reading, I really should be doing something else.  It makes it hard to 'get lost in a book'.  Don't you always feel a little depressed or disappointed when you spend the time to read a book and it fails you?  I keep hoping that I can find more time to read.  How do you find time to read?  Before bed?  In the morning?  Do you take hours during the day?  And do you ever feel like you're wasting your life if you're not reading?!


  1. Two of the books you read in April are ones I plan to read sometime soon: Die Trying and A Darker Domain.

    I almost always read later at night before going to bed because I am still working full time and there isn't any other time, even on weekends. Sometimes I read too late, other times I cannot read much. It amazes me I get very much reading done at all. But when I retire I will definitely read in the day.

    1. By the number of books you read, you must be a fast reader. I'm not, unless I'm in the grip of an exciting book or if I'm just reading to get the gist of something. I don't usually read that way for pleasure, though. I hope you do read all day everyday after you retire! We've earned that right, right?

  2. Those birds look beautiful, I especially like the indigo bunting. I read at bedtime and after I have my breakfast, waiting for my coffee to settle, and when it's raining, when I'm avoiding doing the ironing - or whatever! But I do feel guilty about it and often think I should be doing something more productive even although I am retired - allegedly, but not from housework.

    1. It makes me feel better that other people have the same problem. I long for the days when I could get lost in a book and really, really enjoy being there.

  3. So many birds! How fun! I read on my daily commute, at lunch and before bed and then I try to fit in other moments here and there with varying success.

    1. I guess I used to do that, too, when I was a commuter. I think I've just gotten more selfish as I aged. There are so many books I want to read and other things I want to do. I want big chunks of time to read! I do sometimes get them, so I suppose I should be grateful and stop whining!

  4. It is so much work to move into a new house! Wow, a walk-in closet AND great windows AND art. Reading mysteries sounds just right for a move, but there are so many distractions that may be why they failed!

    1. I'm starting to feel that my life is getting more organized, something I need to relax.

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