Saturday, December 27, 2014

Alex - Pierre Lemaitre


I don't think I can say much about this book without giving away some important plot points.  

One night in Paris, a young woman named Alex is abducted on her way home from a solitary dinner.  The man who kidnapped her beats her and puts her in a cage suspended in a derelict warehouse.  She's stripped naked and starved.  There are rats.  She doesn't know why he's done this.  All he'll say is that he kidnapped her to watch her die.  But why her?

A stranger reports seeing Alex being snatched, but he doesn't know who she is and can't give the police much helpful information.  The police can't find out who she is, which makes it more difficult to find her.  By the time they find the man who's abducted her, Alex has taken things into her own hands.

This is a roller-coaster of a book that will have your sympathies shifting.  Is Alex a victim or isn't she?  It's violently graphic, but it's a gripping read.

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