Saturday, August 15, 2015

Book Darts and Turtle

I just rediscovered my Book Darts.  When I'm reading a book I plan to post about, I sometimes think I should take notes.  But I hate taking notes, interrupting the flow of my reading, and I'm the world's worst note-taker.  I scribble things down and then either can't read my scrawl or don't remember what I meant by 'file complaint'.  Did I file a complaint or was I reminding myself to file a complaint or did someone else file a complaint.  Don't ask me.

Anyway, years ago, I bought a small tin of Book Darts.  Like, I suspect, a lot of you, I love stationery items and book related things.  I bought the book darts, put them in my desk, and forgot about them.  I remembered them when I was reading the latest book I posted about and thought I should take some notes about it.  Instead, I dug out my Book Darts and had a great time marking the pages where there were things I wanted to remember.  I just checked and found that Book Darts are still available.  They're great.

Update for Those With Cats:  Turtle is still in her box.  Usually, she abandons a new box after a few days.  I think she likes this one because it's shallow.  She can lie in it and still see everything that's going on around her.  


  1. These are great! I'm telling my kids this is what I want for Christmas!

    1. The book darts are nice if you don't like to write in your books or put post-its on every page or turn down the corners, none of which I like to do. The little arrows are also pretty!

  2. I love book darts! I have four tins of them and they are located at all of my reading spots in the house for easy convenience :)

    1. Four tins! I'm jealous! I do love them, though, because I hate writing in books. These are so handy for marking passages I want to remember without interrupting my reading to take notes. I think I might need a few more tins!
